PB model is recommended when working with OPLSff files. Nevertheless, the combination of PB/GB models with radii optimized for amber atom types (i.e. bondi, mbondi, mbondi2, mbondi3) and OPLS force field hasn't been tested extensively. Please, proceed with caution.
Protein-protein binding free energy calculations (Single Trajectory method) with OPLSff files¶
This example can be found in the examples/OPLS/protein_protein directory in the repository folder. If you didn't use gmx_MMPBSA_test before, use downgit to download the specific folder from gmx_MMPBSA GitHub repository.
In this case, gmx_MMPBSA
Input File required | Required | Type | Description |
Input parameters file | in | Input file containing all the specifications regarding the type of calculation that is going to be performed | |
The MD Structure+mass(db) file | tpr pdb | Structure file containing the system coordinates | |
An index file | ndx | File containing the receptor and ligand in separated groups | |
Receptor and ligand group | integers | Group numbers in the index files | |
A trajectory file | xtc pdb trr | Final GROMACS MD trajectory, fitted and with no pbc. | |
A topology file | top | GROMACS topology file (The * .itp files defined in the topology must be in the same folder | |
A Reference Structure file | pdb | Complex reference structure file (without hydrogens) with the desired assignment of chain ID and residue numbers |
-> Must be defined -- -> Optional, but recommended -- -> Optional
See a detailed list of all the flags in gmx_MMPBSA command line here
That being said, once you are in the folder containing all files, the command-line will be as follows:
gmx_MMPBSA -O -i mmpbsa.in -cs com.pdb -ct com_traj.xtc -ci index.ndx -cg 10 11 -cp topol.top -o FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat -eo FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.csv
mpirun -np 2 gmx_MMPBSA -O -i mmpbsa.in -cs com.pdb -ct com_traj.xtc -ci index.ndx -cg 10 11 -cp topol.top -o FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat -eo FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.csv
where the mmpbsa.in
input file, is a text file containing the following lines:
See a detailed list of all the options in gmx_MMPBSA
input file here as well as several examples
In this case, a single trajectory (ST) approximation is followed, which means the receptor and ligand structures and trajectories will be obtained from that of the complex. To do so, an MD Structure+mass(db) file (com.pdb
), an index file (index.ndx
), a trajectory file (com_traj.xtc
), and both the receptor and ligand group numbers in the index file (10 11
) are needed. The mmpbsa.in
input file will contain all the parameters needed for the MM/PB(GB)SA calculation. In this case, 8 frames are going to be used when performing the MM/PB(GB)SA calculation with the PB model (linear PB equation) and a salt concentration = 0.15M.
A plain text output file with all the statistics (default: FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.dat
) and a CSV-format output file containing all energy terms for every frame in every calculation will be saved. The file name in '-eo' flag will be forced to end in [.csv] (FINAL_RESULTS_MMPBSA.csv
in this case). This file is only written when specified on the command-line.
Once the calculation is done, the results can be analyzed in gmx_MMPBSA_ana
(if -nogui
flag was not used in the command-line). Please, check the gmx_MMPBSA_ana section for more information
Created: 2023-06-24