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xBFreE-Analyzer Documentation

xBFreE command-line

xBFreE divide en subcomandos los métodos para el cálculo de BFE como los programas de MD. Para simplificar la escritura, la aplicación la nombramos como xbfree.

// All flags available in **xBFreE** are shown below:

$ xbfree -h

usage: [-h] [-v] {gmx_MMPBSA,amber_MMPBSA,namd_MMPBSA,charmm_MMPBSA} ...

xBFreEnergy is a tool to compute Binding Free Energy with different methods including MMPBSA and LIE

positional arguments:
                        Methods to compute Binding Free Energy
    gmx_MMPBSA          MMPBSA calculations for GROMACS
    amber_MMPBSA        MMPBSA calculations for AMBER
    namd_MMPBSA         MMPBSA calculations for NAMD
    charmm_MMPBSA       MMPBSA calculations for CHARMM

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

xBFreEnergy is a tool to compute Binding Free Energy with different methods including MMPBSA and LIE

Sub-commands structure

Each subcommand has their own arguments according to the MD program and method selected. However, we decide to make some arguments redundant to simplify the command-line instructions and keep similar to gmx_MMPBSA. Take a look at the example below

// All flags available in **xBFreE** are shown below:

$ xbfree gmx_MMPBSA -h

usage: ...

This is the core of gmx_MMPBSA and it will do all the calculations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -O, --overwrite       Allow output files to be overwritten
  --create_input [{gb,pb,rism,ala,decomp,nmode,gbnsr6,all} ...]
                        Create an new input file with selected calculation type.
  --rewrite-output      Do not re-run any calculations, just parse the output files from the previous calculation and rewrite the output files.
  -s, --stability       Perform stability calculation. Only the complex parameters are required. In any other case receptor and ligand parameters will be ignored
  -ng, --nogui          No open gmx_MMPBSA_ana after all calculations finished
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Input and Output Files:
  These options specify the input files and optional output files.

  -i FILE               MM/PBSA input file.
  -xvvfile XVVFILE      XVV file for 3D-RISM.
  -o FILE               Output file with selected method (MMPBSA or LIE) statistics.
  -do FILE              Output file for decomposition statistics summary.
  -eo FILE              CSV-format output of all energy terms for every frame in every calculation. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.
  -deo FILE             CSV-format output of all energy terms for each printed residue in decomposition calculations. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.

< Gromacs specific arguments >

Miscellaneous Options:
  -prefix <file prefix>
                        Prefix for intermediate files.
  --input-file-help     Print all available options in the input file.
  --clean               Clean temporary files and quit.

xBFreEnergy is a tool to compute Binding Free Enrgy with different methods including MMPBSA and LIE

// All flags available in **xBFreE** are shown below:

$ xbfree amber_MMPBSA -h

usage: ...

This is the core of gmx_MMPBSA and it will do all the calculations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -O, --overwrite       Allow output files to be overwritten
  --create_input [{gb,pb,rism,ala,decomp,nmode,gbnsr6,all} ...]
                        Create an new input file with selected calculation type.
  --rewrite-output      Do not re-run any calculations, just parse the output files from the previous calculation and rewrite the output files.
  -s, --stability       Perform stability calculation. Only the complex parameters are required. In any other case receptor and ligand parameters will be ignored
  -ng, --nogui          No open gmx_MMPBSA_ana after all calculations finished
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Input and Output Files:
  These options specify the input files and optional output files.

  -i FILE               MM/PBSA input file.
  -xvvfile XVVFILE      XVV file for 3D-RISM.
  -o FILE               Output file with selected method (MMPBSA or LIE) statistics.
  -do FILE              Output file for decomposition statistics summary.
  -eo FILE              CSV-format output of all energy terms for every frame in every calculation. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.
  -deo FILE             CSV-format output of all energy terms for each printed residue in decomposition calculations. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.

< Amber specific arguments >

Miscellaneous Options:
  -prefix <file prefix>
                        Prefix for intermediate files.
  --input-file-help     Print all available options in the input file.
  --clean               Clean temporary files and quit.

xBFreEnergy is a tool to compute Binding Free Enrgy with different methods including MMPBSA and LIE

// All flags available in **xBFreE** are shown below:

$ xbfree namd_MMPBSA -h

usage: ...

This is the core of gmx_MMPBSA and it will do all the calculations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -O, --overwrite       Allow output files to be overwritten
  --create_input [{gb,pb,rism,ala,decomp,nmode,gbnsr6,all} ...]
                        Create an new input file with selected calculation type.
  --rewrite-output      Do not re-run any calculations, just parse the output files from the previous calculation and rewrite the output files.
  -s, --stability       Perform stability calculation. Only the complex parameters are required. In any other case receptor and ligand parameters will be ignored
  -ng, --nogui          No open gmx_MMPBSA_ana after all calculations finished
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Input and Output Files:
  These options specify the input files and optional output files.

  -i FILE               MM/PBSA input file.
  -xvvfile XVVFILE      XVV file for 3D-RISM.
  -o FILE               Output file with selected method (MMPBSA or LIE) statistics.
  -do FILE              Output file for decomposition statistics summary.
  -eo FILE              CSV-format output of all energy terms for every frame in every calculation. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.
  -deo FILE             CSV-format output of all energy terms for each printed residue in decomposition calculations. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.

< NAMD specific arguments >

Miscellaneous Options:
  -prefix <file prefix>
                        Prefix for intermediate files.
  --input-file-help     Print all available options in the input file.
  --clean               Clean temporary files and quit.

xBFreEnergy is a tool to compute Binding Free Enrgy with different methods including MMPBSA and LIE

// All flags available in **xBFreE** are shown below:

$ xbfree charmm_MMPBSA -h

usage: ...

This is the core of gmx_MMPBSA and it will do all the calculations

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -O, --overwrite       Allow output files to be overwritten
  --create_input [{gb,pb,rism,ala,decomp,nmode,gbnsr6,all} ...]
                        Create an new input file with selected calculation type.
  --rewrite-output      Do not re-run any calculations, just parse the output files from the previous calculation and rewrite the output files.
  -s, --stability       Perform stability calculation. Only the complex parameters are required. In any other case receptor and ligand parameters will be ignored
  -ng, --nogui          No open gmx_MMPBSA_ana after all calculations finished
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit

Input and Output Files:
  These options specify the input files and optional output files.

  -i FILE               MM/PBSA input file.
  -xvvfile XVVFILE      XVV file for 3D-RISM.
  -o FILE               Output file with selected method (MMPBSA or LIE) statistics.
  -do FILE              Output file for decomposition statistics summary.
  -eo FILE              CSV-format output of all energy terms for every frame in every calculation. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.
  -deo FILE             CSV-format output of all energy terms for each printed residue in decomposition calculations. File name forced to end in [.csv]. This file is only written when specified on the command-line.

< CHARMM specific arguments >

Miscellaneous Options:
  -prefix <file prefix>
                        Prefix for intermediate files.
  --input-file-help     Print all available options in the input file.
  --clean               Clean temporary files and quit.

xBFreEnergy is a tool to compute Binding Free Enrgy with different methods including MMPBSA and LIE

Last update: 2023-06-24
Created: 2023-06-24