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xBFreE Installation

Currently, xBFreE can be installed using three ways:

Manual installation

You can carry out the installation of xBFreE in three ways:

conda environment (Recommended for PC installation)

The conda environment provides a clean and efficient way of installing xBFreE. It also allows having different versions of xBFreE in isolated environments, thus reducing the possibility of incompatibility with other packages. Installation time is also less since it does not require the compilation of AmberTools or GROMACS. To install xBFreE in a conda environment, please, follows these steps:

1-Miniconda Installation (skip this step if conda is already installed in your PC)

Download and install Miniconda

$ curl -O
---> 100%

$ chmod +x

$ ./
---> 100%

Successful miniconda intallation
Copy described intructions
curl -O   # (1)!
chmod +x                                      # (2)!
./                                             # (3)!
  1. Download Miniconda installer
  2. Change permissions for the installer
  3. Execute and install miniconda

2-Create conda environment and install libraries


Make sure to have conda installed in your computer.

Installing xBFreE using a requierement yml file.

Download env.yml file

// Create a new environment and use the *.yml file to install dependencies
$ conda env create -n xbfree-env --file env.yml

// To use xBFreE, just activate the environment
$ conda activate xbfree-env


The latest release of xBFreE available in PYPI will be installed

Copy described intructions
conda env create -n xbfree-env --file env.yml                                    # (1)!
conda activate xbfree-env                                                        # (2)!
  1. Create the xbfree-env environment and use the *.yml file to install dependencies
  2. Activate xbfree-env environment

Installing dependencies

// Update conda
$ conda update conda

// Create a new environment and activate it
$ conda create -n xbfree-env python=3.9 -y -q 
$ conda activate xbfree-env

// Install mpi4py and AmberTools
$ conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py=3.1.3 ambertools=21.12 compilers=1.2.0 -y -q

// Install updated version of ParmEd
$ python -m pip install git+

// Install PyQt5 required to use the GUI analyzer tool (xBFreE-Analyzer). Not needed for HPC
$ python -m pip install pyqt5

// (Optional) Install GROMACS
$ conda install -c conda-forge gromacs==2022.4 -y -q

// Install the latest version available in PYPI and xBFreE-Analyzer
$ python -m pip install xbfree[xbfree-analyzer]

Copy described intructions
conda update conda
conda create -n xbfree-env python=3.9 -y -q                                      # (1)
conda activate xbfree-env                                                        # (2)
conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py=3.1.3 ambertools=21.12 compilers=1.2.0 -y -q      # (3)
python -m pip install git+ # (4)
python -m pip install pyqt5                                                     # (5)
# Optional
conda install -c conda-forge gromacs==2022.4 -y -q                                 # (6)
  1. Create xbfree-env environment
  2. Activate xbfree-env environment
  3. Install dependencies
  4. Install ParmEd
  5. Install PyQt5 if you will use xBFreE-Analyzer
  6. (Optional) Install GROMACS if GROMACS is not installed in your machine
virtual environment (Recommended for HPC installation)
The virtual environment provides a clean and efficient way of installing xBFreE. It also allows having different versions of xBFreE in isolated environment, thus reducing the possibility of incompatibility with other packages. Differently to conda environment this environment only contain python packages and not pre-compiled libraries.
In HPC, admins recommend using a virtual environment (virtualenv) instead of conda to take advantage of optimized compiled programs. In this case, you will require AmberTools, Gromacs, and other dependencies previously compiled (generally as modules). The required libraries for each dependency will depend on the HPC the user is working on. A good example and how the virtualenv works in an HPC can be found here.
AmberTools compilation (Recommended when you need to modify sander or compile AmberTools in a specific way)

This way, we assume that you have AmberTools compiled on your machine and that you want to do an installation without worrying about enabling or disabling conda environments. It also involves user compilation of GROMACS, which takes considerable installation time. This way also requires installed packages to be compatible and installation errors are more frequent.


Follow the oficial AmberTools installation according to your OS


We asume that AmberTools and their shell environment are correctly configured


// Install updated ParmEd
$ amber.python -m pip install git+
// Install xBFreE
$ amber.python -m pip install xBFreE                                               


// Update xBFreE
$ amber.python -m pip install xBFreE -U


// Install updated ParmEd
$ amber.python -m pip install git+
// Install xBFreE
$ amber.python -m pip install git+     


amber.python -m pip install git+ -U


Install/update xBFreE from the master branch of GitHub repository. This version is only recommended to test a new version or to try temporary solutions to reported bugs.


If you get an error related to installing mpi4py, you may want to install this package manually from conda-forge as follows:

amber.conda install -c conda-forge mpi4py=3.1.3

If you get an error related to pip, you may want to install this package manually as follows:

amber.conda install pip

Docker Package

Coming soon!

Singularity Package

Coming soon!

Testing the operation of xBFreE

After preparing everything to run xBFreE, it only remains to check its correct operation. To know how to do it, consult the documentation of xBFreE_test

2023-11-14 2023-05-27